Clutch Cargo is an American animated series from Cambria Productions. It aired first back in 1959 and was well received. The series was praised for its creativity in stories, even though it had limited animation. The series tells the story about Clutch cargo, Spinner, and the pet Paddle foot. Clutch Cargo is a writer and a Pilot with a muscular build. The three main characters in the show travel around the world on different interesting assignments. Let’s discuss where you can watch Clutch Cargo on Roku.
Clutch Cargo
Clutch Cargo is a classic animation series. Also, it is the first-ever series to use Syncro-Vox optical printing system. Additionally, the show makes use of real human lips over stationary or limited animation background. So, later in 1994 came the title, ‘If it weren’t for the lips, it’d be a filmstrip!’ The series initially had 52 episodes. However, later it was adjusted to 260 episodes of 5 minutes length. Some of the best episodes of Clutch Cargo include The Haunted Castle, The Ghost Ship, The Missing Train, The Elephant-Nappers, Dragon Fly, and Sky Circus.
Watch Clutch Cargo on Roku
We have the official Clutch Cargo channel on Roku. We can stream all the 260 episodes on Roku.
1. Launch the Roku home screen by pressing the Home button.
2. Choose the Streaming Channels option from the menu.
3. Select the Search Channel option from the list.
4. Further, search for Clutch Cargo channel.
5. Select Clutch Cargo from the list and then select the Add Channel option.
6. Once the download completes, press on OK.
Finally, launch the new Clutch Cargo channel on Roku and enjoy watching the adventurous episodes of Clutch Cargo on Roku.
Related: Best Anime Channels on Roku
Wrapping Up
Clutch Cargo portrays the adventures of Clutch Cargo, Spinner, and Paddle foot. They travel round the world and solve mysteries. Essentially, it is supposed to have 52 long episodes. However, it is broken down into five-minute episodes. In other words, around five episodes cover one story with cliff-hanger endings on 4 of them. Let’s stream this historic cartoon series on Roku.