Immoral Compass is a Psychological dark comedy series presented by Bill Burr released in Quibi in 2020. When Quibi shut down its operations, it sold all of its originally produced series to Roku. As a result, immoral Compass is now available on the Roku Channel. Roku Channel is a platform where you can watch all the Roku originals ad-free. Immoral Compass is one of the must-watch series available on the Roku Channel. The plot is about how far a man will go to get what he desires. The outcome of the series is well-received worldwide, and the bottom line in the dark comedy series was praised. You can watch Immoral Compass presented by Bill Burr on Roku by adding the Roku Channel, or you can install the Roku app and screen mirror to your paired Roku device.
How to Watch Bill Burr Presents Immoral Compass on Roku?
There are two ways you can watch Bill Burr Immoral Compass On Roku. They are:
- Using The Roku Channel
- From the Roku app
How to Install the Roku Channel?
In some Roku devices, the Roku Channel is a built-in application. If you already have the Roku channel preinstalled, you can skip the below steps and start streaming the series right away. However, if you do not have this application installed, you need to install the Roku Channel to watch the Immoral Compass series.
1. Setup your Roku device and connect it to the internet.
2. Go to the Home page on your Roku.
3. Under the Home page, scroll down and select the Streaming Channels option.
4. Then, select Search Channels.
5. Search for The Roku Channel and select it from the search result.
6. Select Add Channel to add The Roku Channel to your Roku device.
7. Then, select OK from the prompt.
How to Watch Bill Burr Presents Immoral Compass with the Roku Channel?
1. Open The Roku Channel on your Roku device.
2. Sign in to your account.
3. Search for Immoral Compass.
4. Select the Play button to watch the series on your Roku device.
How to Watch Bill Burr Presents Immoral Compass from Roku App?
1. Connect your Roku device and Android Smartphone to the same Wi-Fi network.
2. Install the Roku app on your Android Smartphone.
3. Sign in to your account.
4. Select the Devices tab from the lower-left corner.
5. Select your Roku device to pair.
6. Then, select the Roku Channel tab from the lower-left corner.
7. Search for the Immoral Compass series.
8. Select the series and play it to watch on your Roku device.
Related: Dragon Ball Z on Roku
You might never have watched a short series filled with dark psychological comedy. So, try watching this series. I will assure you that this series will bring you the best laugh. The final thought is that this series is available on the Roku Channel for free. So, try not to miss the series and watch it in your free time to entertain.