Frozen 2 is an animated fantasy movie and a sequel to the 2013 movie Frozen. Frozen 2 was released on November 7, 2019, by the Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The movie features Frozen, Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf, who try to discover the voice that calls out to Elsa. The movie’s cast includes Idina Menzel as Elsa, Kristen Bell as Anna, Johnathan Groff as Kristoff, and Josh Gad as Olaf. The movie was received well by the viewers and won awards for its excellent animation. Today let’s focus on the channel streaming Frozen 2 on Roku.
Frozen 2 on Roku with Disney Plus
The Disney Channel on Roku is the only place where you can find Frozen 2. Disney Plus is the popular video-on-demand platform from The Walt Disney Company. You can download and install Disney plus on Roku from the Channel Store. Some of the mind-blowing shows on Disney Plus are The Simpsons, Inhumans, That’s So Raven, Even Stevens, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. However, some of the Roku devices, including the Roku HD model 2500X, Roku 2XS model 3100X, and other models don’t support Disney Plus.
Let’s add Disney Plus on Roku.
1. First, press the Home button on your remote and launch the home page.
2. Second, on the home screen, select the Streaming Channels option.
3. Next, navigate to and choose the Search Channel option from the menu.
4. Further, on the search bar type and search for Disney Plus.
5. Next, choose the Disney Plus channel from the search results.
6. Select the Add Channel button and start downloading the channel.
7. Wait for the download to complete and then select the OK button.
Activate Disney Plus on Roku
Before streaming Frozen 2 on Roku, we need to activate it.
1. Firstly, launch the Disney Plus channel from the home screen.
2. You will get an Activation code on your TV screen to activate your Disney Plus channel.
3. From any web browser, visit the Disney Plus activation website.
4. Enter the activation code from the TV on the space provided.
5. Now login with your email ID and password and log into your account.
On successful login, the channel on Roku will refresh and displays the home screen.
6. Search for the Frozen 2 movie and start streaming it on your TV.
Wrapping Up
The Disney Plus subscription can cost you around $6.99 every month. It has a huge collection of binge-worthy series and movies. Above all, it streams the movie in concern, Frozen 2. It also streams Frozen in it, and it is better to watch both of them. The movie has portrayed the characters effectively with the help of top-quality animations. Let’s stream Frozen and Frozen 2 on Roku with Disney Plus.